Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Reducing Costs in Construction

1. Freezing the architectural and structural drawing set by a certain date before start of construction. Starting the construction process without freezing the architectural and structural drawings could almost double the cost of the construction. Any design change in the middle of the project is very very expensive.
2. Minimizing discrepancies between the structural set and architectural set of drawings.
   Avoids rework and change orders. Use a BIM tool such as Archicad or Revit to create a 3D model of the building

3. Decisions needs to be taken on
   a) RMC or Batch Plant
   b) Shuttering - Wooden or metal
   c) Floor Plate should be divided in how many zones for optimal scheduling of rebar, shuttering and  concreting
   d) How many sets of shuttering will be required.
   e) Capacity of Batch Plant and location of Batch Plant w.r.t plate
   f) Tower Crane Height and Capacity.
      After how much time will extra tower crane be required.
      Location of tower cranes

4. Scope and Liablities of Owner and Contractor must be clearly defined and battery limit for the project must be eastablished at the earliest.

5. Siginificant savings maybe achieved in procurement of materials from local suppliers

6. Using precast walls in combination with frame structure

7. Use-fly ash bricks and fly ash concrete